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OssDsign is about the passion to improve clinical results and quality of life for patients. This passion is personified by Dr. Thomas Engstrand, craniofacial surgeon at Karolinska University Hospital. He observed the healing problems his patients had with existing treatment techniques and started to work on a better solution. Collaboration with the distinguished biomaterials researcher Professor Håkan Engqvist and coworkers at Uppsala University, and several years of development and testing, resulted in OssDsign® Cranial.
OssDsign Cranial is the next generation of patient-specific implants (PSI) for cranial reconstruction.

OssDsign's Sweden headquarters is the home of our product development and manufacturing. Sales operation are expanding from the initial launch of OssDsign Cranial and OssDsign Facial in Europe to sales operations throughout the world. 


  • Bone replacement technology

  • OssDsign® Cranial PSI (patient-specific implant)

  • Cranial Plug

  • OssDsign® Catalyst - Biologics


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